Nourishing Side Dishes

Banish the January blues with some greens and purples (alongside the flaky golden pastry, of course!) and a healthy dose of nutrients!
What with all the cold weather and after the festive frivolities, our bodies could do with all the nourishment we can give them! But instead of sticking to plain old steamed veg, there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun with it, is there 😏
Pea Purée
The humble pea is an excellent source of vitamins C and E, zinc, and other antioxidants. Pimp your usual frozen pea accompaniment to form a flavoursome splash of colour on your plate. Our lovely friend James Brooks made this for us and we had to pinch the recipe! Sauté an onion and garlic in plenty of olive oil then chuck some peas into the pan with some stock and simmer for a couple of minutes. A sprinkling of salt, a dollop of cream and some fresh herbs – try coriander and chives or mint – before blitzing up. If you think it needs a little something more, add some chilli flakes and taa daa!
Veggie Tagine
This scrumptious side complements the flavours of the Veggie Tagine pie perfectly. Just look at those colours! A pieday night dinner that is anything but bland, boring and beige!
Colourful Carrots
As well as helping you see in the dark 👀🤣 carrots provide potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin A. The more colourful, the better – grab some from the farmer’s market (or sometimes in the supermarket) and enjoy purple, white and yellow varieties! This one is a simple but effective recipe. Throw some carrots and garlic cloves into a baking dish before glugging maple syrup and olive oil all over them and scattering with thyme. Bung in the oven with your pies and enjoy! Brighten up an Ultimate Steak pie and mash dish with these beauties or opt for more veggies with a vegan Spicy Jack Pie.
Veggie Tagine
Baked Beetroot
Packed full of nutrients and cleansing for the liver, beetroot is another colourful veg sure to brighten your day. It has that glorious earthy flavour that cannot be beaten, especially when roasted!
Cube and bake fresh beetroot before drizzling in a honey and balsamic vinegar mix. Return to the oven for another 10 mins and there you have it, a sensational vibrant veggie side to pair with a creamy pie – we’d suggest either the vegan mushroom stroganott pie or our chicken, mushroom and tarragon.
go on – take a Chunk!